Saturday 27 July 2013

hey beauty loverss,
this post is a little different than the other posts, because its not about beauty and or fashion, its about saying yes and being confident in yourself. Now i decided to do this posts because i have seen lots of different posts about it and videos on you tube, so i thought  it would be fun to do my on and how my take on it is. 

1. Being confident in yourself
To start off i would like to say that i am defiantly not a very confident person, when it comes to looks and appearances, because of genes i am a very tall girl for my age. I am 14 and am 5 ' 8. Now to me, this means, standing taller than every one else, and me sticking out in the crowd. Sometimes i just ant to blend in and it really puts me down. But at the same time, I've been told 'appreciate your height' 'only models are that tall' when really all i here is blah blah blah....but in reality their right. Being tall isn't meant to be a burden and i SHOULD embrace it. I'm not saying that i am model material at all. But thinking about my height in a positive way makes me feel that little bit happier. I was watching a video on YouTube made by 'dollybowbow' and she recommended, firstly write 3 things that you don't like about yourself on a scrap piece of paper...and then rip it up and throw it in the bin. Then write on another piece of paper, three things you do like about yourself and keep it in a place where you can see them, so you are reminded. Writing the things you do like about yourself might be a little harder then the first task but its a nice way of thinking about yourself in a positive light. ( link to video - ) WATCH ! 
And you have to remember nobody is perfect, and its good to stand out. And now i love to stand, i dont always like sticking with the crowd like most people do, so its good to be different!

2. Just Say 'yes' !
I thought that this would be a nice little thing to talk about. I am the type of person to LOVE doing different activity's and things like rock climbing, and something i would love to do is skydiving. But i think that everyone is different, for example some people are scared of heights and others are scared of different things. I think the only things is try and over come those fears. Look them straight in the face and conquer them...there are lots of different videos on youtube, made by youtubers that are experts. So here are the links...

This is the link for zoella, i love watching her videos, ans i think you should go and watch her videos. xoxo
if you enjoyed this post, and also her just say yes video, comment on her video to say this blog sent you to watch and try and get her to view my blog :D

i hope you enjoyed this

luv ya 

emie jane

Sunday 21 July 2013

hey fellow beauty loversssssss, 

omg guys i haven't been on for sooooooooooooooo long for some reason i feel like i havent had anything to talk about, that is actually worth reading. So this morning i was getting ready for going out with ma besties when i was like "emer do a new blog post!" so here i am. So today to start my blogging off again i am going to do an ootd ( outfit of the day). 

My day plans are very casual...we are going to lunch and then maybe go to the park or have a look around boots or super drug, or something like that. So my outfit it very casual but not too casual as i still want to dress up a bit for the girlies and well being seen. so here it is ...

top- hollister
shorts - h&m
watch - swatch

bag - urban outfitters
i have also included some of the makeup items that i will bring with me :
rimmel scandal eyes mascara
maybelline dream mouse concealer
lacura purple eye shadow duo
collection pressed powder
real techniques buffing brush
Paul smith sunshine addition fragrance



nail polish - o.p.i   ( unaware of color)

shoes - trusty black converse

so this was just a super quick little post for you. it is summer holidays now so i hope to be posting if your reading this then you have survived till the end!!

i hope you liked it 



Friday 17 May 2013


Blush Review
"Je T'aime" - Bourjois 
"head over heels" - Topshop cream blush

Hey, fellow beauty lovvvvverrrrrsssssssss <3, 
This is a review, so carry on reading...

    "Je T'aime"  (shade - rose ambre)
This was a blush that i received for my birthday the other week and i got it from one of my besties  (go check her out) ! But anyway...I LOVE THIS BLUSH! 
First of all the packing of this blush is super cute, as it is quite small, and has a french featured theme and design on the front, but also this runs through the hole Bourjois line of makeup. And also inside is the blush and a little handy blush brush, that even i though i wouldn't use on a daily basis (i would use my real techniques contour and blush brush) i think it would be great for travel as it it soft and cute!  But, when it comes to blushes, i don't want to be walking around with two big round neon punk cheeks, so i like my cheeks and contour to look very natural. This is why i love this blush, first of all it has a divine smell to it, i literally can not stop smelling it, which it weird i know! When you first look at the color it does look very oink and over powering, but after you swatch it on your hand  or even better your cheeks! it doesn't then look so pink and, once blended in with some bronzer, it looks magnifique!

"head over heals"
I originally bought this cream blush, because i had been looking for one, i heard heard some good review about some different types of cream blush. After this, i wanted to try them out. I firstly, did like the concept of the idea. I want my face makeup to look natural and buffed into my skin, rather than on top of it. You all probably know this if you read by last post! but O WELL =D anywaysss...when i saw this shade in Topshop  i thought it was a really pretty pink and i thought it would look nice and match nicely with the simple makeup that i wear. Also, because it was a Topshop make up it was too expense, £6.00, but i though i may as well give it a go! Now, when i was trying it out the next day with makeup looks, i could see that my check bone area was becoming a big red, and i assumed it was the blush, and also the fact that i had been using quiet a lot of products on my face that morning. Because of this, i decided that i wouldn't use it again straight away, just in case it was the blush that my skin didn't agree with. But then i was sad because i really loved the way it felt and and color. About a week later, i decided that i would use the blush and try it again. And i didn't get any redness! So i am very happy indeed with this blush and would recommend loads. I would advise anyone if you have sensitive skin, like me, and you would be worried about using things like that. I promise you don't judge them after the first use and give them a second chance because if i didn't i know i would have regretted not using it again. and also i love the classic Topshop packaging, the little polka dots! 

So that is my review! I hope you liked it and has been any help at all! 



Thursday 16 May 2013

Real Techniques makeup brushes

hey, fellow beauty loversssssss x

This review is on the 'real techniques makeup brushes'. For my birthday recently, i received the 'your base/flawless core collection' (designed by Samantha Chapman from the you tube channel 'pixiwoo') and in the pack were 4 brushes! and i was so grateful to my parents for buying me these. 

These brushes are AMAZING, i think that these brushes are very well designed, because each brush has a particular name and is advised for different things. For example; the brushes i got were the detailer brush, pointed foundation brush, buffing brush, contour brush and they also came in a panoramic case, which is a handy little black case of which you can set the brushes in and looks more organised. 

The Detailer Brush

This brush is a tiny little brush, that should be used for "precision cut to effortlessly conceal problem areas;or, use with lipstick for long lasting shape and definition"i really enjoy using this brush because it is quite a versatile brush and could be used for multiple things. At the moment, i am using this brush for concealer application, but i will enjoy using it for things like lipstick i feel it would be great for that.

The Pointed Foundation brush

 This is the one brush, that i haven't got round to using yet. NOT because i don't think it is a bad brush, but because i prefer using the buffing brush to apply my foundation/BB cream. I have heard a few mixed opinions about this brush, some good and some bad but like i said i haven't started using it yet! :)

The Buffing Brush 

I am in love with this brush. simple as that. I have very sensitive skin, and when it comes to brushes i think i need super soft ones. So when it comes to applying makeup, it would like to enjoy the feeling, than resent it! This brush is so super fluffy and smooth to touch, and i love the feeling on my face. It works really well when buffing in the foundation, because it gives a more natural look. This might not make any sense...but let me explain! =D if i started using the 'pointed foundation brush' i would be worried that the foundation i would be putting on didn't look in my skin, but just slapped on! That is why i love this brush, as it buffs the foundation in, giving your skin that glowing look <3

The Contour Brush

I love a bit of contour ;) This brush it super soft, and is specially designed to get into the crease and under the cheek bone and give a good old contour! This is a good quality in a brush it would not look good if you are walking around town, with two big old orange splodges on your cheeks! ha ha <3  Its size is fairly medium so its not too big, the perfect size for its job! I also use this brush for applying blush, and it works a charm! <3 <3

I would recommend these brushes to anyone, thinking about buying them. But also to the people  who like me, need a good old makeup brush, to do the trick! 

so if your reading this, you've finished reading my rave about brushes, and I thank you for that ... <3



p.s to look at the range of real techniques brushes i recommend going here

so yeah...BYE! 

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Natural Collection Review

helllllooooooooooo fellow beauty lovers <3

in this little review for you guys i'm going to talk about the 'natural collection' brand of make up. Now, i dont know if this is for you or anyone, but it is for me. When i go out shopping for make up, i will always...
1. remember why i'm in this shop...
2. remember what i actually NEED to buy...
3. try to find this certain item but for one of the lowest price available but still good quality!
This is when i found the 'natural collection', and i feel that the pricing of their products is SO good, for what the costumer is buying! The other week when i was out shopping with my friends, we went to boots ( as alwayssss :) ) and went to look at the make up. So i followed the steps..."i'm in here for makeup" "i need a bronzer, nude lipstick and clear mascara!" "ITS ALL FOR £5.00!!" i was very happy indeed :) 

In this pic, are including the things i bought
natural collection bronzer - in shade 'SUN SHINE'
natural collection clear mascara - clear
natural collection lipstick - in shade 'ROSE PETAL' 
(the red lipstick is in shade 'crimson' but i didn't buy this on the my recent shopping trip!)

So in this little blog, i am explaining that you don't always have to have the top price makeup for it to do its job and be good quality!

lots of love, 



hey, fellow beauty lovers! <3
this blog is just about general stuff! The things that i love, and love to talk about! life  
but, laugh, love <3
cos that's what we girls do best ;)

lots of love,
emiejanebeauty xxx